‹ occupation : livreuse pour le dirico express + étudiante à la WADA en arts visuels, elle fait également partie d'un club de théâtre.
‹ maison : gryffondor.
‹ scolarité : 1996 - 2002
‹ gallions (ʛ) : 3480
‹ réputation :
10:21 AM●●●●saoi 20 mars 2004
I lost my scarf. I'm pretty sure you have it. Do you miss me so much that you have to steal my stuff? Are you sniffing it right now? You mean that blue rag i use to clean my counter???? You wouldn't dare. You're too afraid of me... Oh yeah, I'm terrified of your cute smol fists that couldn't reach my face even if you were standing on a stool at least i'm tall enough to hit your weakest parts. beware. and you find my "smol fists" cute, that is already a weakness in itself... that's low dillinger, even coming from you and you wouldn't dare, you know you want to coo to my splendid progeny someday cute? i said cute? i meant fierce, of course. your... what... progeny ? i definitely don't want that... more than one murtagh ? children, on top of that ? urgh, that would be the DEATH of me. and they would be as tall as me. terrible. you know you'd love them and they'd need to have your stupid genes to be as small as you does this mean you volunteer???? i would hate them. just as much as i hate you. i could volunteer, but you would be ashamed all your life of your dwarf kids. they wouldn't even have blue eyes. my genes would win over yours. i always won when we where at hogwarts, nothing has changed dear. you love me come on, i'd love my children, even with all the faults you'd give them, i've managed to tolerate you all these years, after all and i think we'd manage to make great kids, with your looks and my intelligence and you never won anything, woman, it's called chivalry oh! chivalry! i think i know that word! remember when i avoided us detention in 5th, 6th AND 7th year? remember all those times i opened the door for you? remember when i let you eat the topping of my favourite cake? or when i talk with ginger so he leaves you alone for a while? definitely divine intervention. and you seem pretty confident about the fact that i love you... that's sweet. if you fetch me a creamy hot chocolate and a salted caramel muffin later i might be open to negotiation on that matter and confess i don't completely hate you.
Recommandations du MoM dans le cadre du conflit avec les Sans-Magie
1. La circulation entre les deux mondes est interdite. Seuls les sorciers disposant d'un droit exceptionnel sont autorisés à se rendre chez les Sans-Magie. Les sorciers ayant des parents moldus pourront voir leurs familles aux frontières sous la surveillance de la BPM.
2. Les lieux dits sensibles (bâtiments du gouvernement, du CEPAS, de la SAWL, etc.) ont été équipés d'alarmes d'urgence. Les sacs seront systématiquement fouillés par des agents de sécurité à l'entrée de ces bâtiments. De plus, les rassemblements aux sorties de ceux-ci sont déconseillés.
3. Ne jamais sortir sans baguette et éviter les déplacements seuls. Il est également préférable de limiter les déplacements des sorciers mineurs.
4. Pour les sorciers habitant à proximité des zones moldues, il est conseillé de procéder immédiatement à un déménagement en zone sorcière. En cas d'impossibilité, veuillez respecter les règles suivantes : renforcer les protections magiques (et en particulier les sorts d'insonorisation), ne pas rester à proximité des murs, portes et fenêtres, toujours se trouver en compagnie d'un autre sorcier et garder sa cheminée allumée en cas d'évacuation.
5. En cas de comportement ou d’événement suspect, veuillez contacter le Ministère de la Magie au 007. Tout colis abandonné doit être immédiatement signalé.
#EVENTS & #MISSIONS. NE MANQUEZ PAS LA WIZPRIDE (rp et hrp) !#SCRYNEWS. refonte du ministère (plus d'infos) & nouveaux procès de guerre (plus d'infos)#FORUMATHON.